DSD (Digital Smile Design) represents the most modern approach in designing and creating smiles using sophisticated computer technology. It involves an individual approach for each patient.
In creating a new smile, the dental team, which includes a prosthodontist, oral surgeon, and dental technician, as well as the patient, participates.
Before the actual work, thorough diagnostics are performed to ensure that no unforeseen mistakes occur during the process.
What needs to be done?
- Photographs of the face and intraoral photographs are taken
- Orthopan and CBCT radiographic diagnostics
- Studies of the current situation model
- Wax up and mock up, creating the future bite with the help of printing technology
- All functional parameters are determined using 8 tests of functional diagnostics
- Using special electronics, the movements of the lower jaw are determined, and all necessary angles of movement are measured to obtain the most precise final work without any mistakes
- Before the completion of the final work, the patient is presented in the mouth how the work will look, and the patient can go through all functional tests with the specialist and participate in communication about the aesthetic appearance of the new crowns and bridges
- The patient wears temporary teeth in the mouth to test future constructions
- Making the final bridge
Based on several photographs and videos, made already in the first visit, the interaction between the patient and the dentist is improved. An analysis of the smile is performed, measuring and modeling each tooth individually, and adjusting the relationship between the teeth and gums. Technical requirements are combined with the patient’s desires and expectations, their emotional needs, and ultimately lead to a good result.
Lifetime warranty on all implants and superstructures against breakage.
Five years warranty on all metal-ceramic and zircon-ceramic crowns.
Five years warranty on all wironit dentures.

For any additional information, follow the blogs of the MB Dent clinic. If you would like more information from Dr. Matko Božić and his team, write to us at info@mbdent.com, WhatsApp 095 3634 337, or call us on the phone number 01 35 35 435 or mobile 095 3634 337.